Nordeco is a civil society actor and social enterprise wholly owned by the Nordic Foundation for Development and Ecology, which is a GEF-NGO accredited, Non-Profit Charity Foundation registered in Denmark. We conduct research, build capacity, connect people, and support interventions on-the-ground – and we provide advisory and consulting services regarding biodiversity conservation, climate change and international development. We are engaged in multiple programs and projects with different partners including EU Horizon Europe. We are a member institution of University of the Arctic.
How we are different:
- We are wholly owned by a non-profit foundation
- Our skills range combines social and natural sciences
- We focus on delivering quality research and services that have an impact
- Our solutions are developed in close collaboration with local populations
- We regard society, culture and the environment as an integrated whole
- We work with all types of stakeholders at all levels – from global cooperation through national policy to local communities