Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience. Nordeco has extensive expertise with urban and rural adapation and resilience, loss and damage, locally led adaptation, climate finance and transformational climate action. Results based reporting and development of indicator frameworks for measuring adaptation and resilience impacts. Extensive experience with national reporting on the three Rio conventions. Experience with REDD+ initiatives in Asia, Africa and Latin America to ensure safeguards and effective implementation that respects and promotes rights of Indigenous Peoples. Our work is strongly anchored in the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement.
Management of Environment and Natural Resources. We are especially experienced in working with nature-based solutions. This includes work on promoting rights, policies, capacities, and integrated planning and management of land, water and other natural resources. Central to our work is the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Our focus is on facilitating community-based management of natural resources, ecosystems and biodiversity. We believe in applying a balanced approach that combines technical, social, institutional and ecological dimensions.
Rural Development. We have strong background in agriculture, fisheries, forestry and pastoralism and we work with rural development in all areas ranging from the Tropics to the Arctic and from the humid zone to the drylands. Our rural development expertise includes work in rural areas of Africa, in South East Asia, in Asia, in Latin America, in the Arctic and in Europe. In all activities we focus on peoples’ active participation, such as learning through participatory action research.
Governance. Nordeco addresses a range of governance issues and works with governance as an integral part of our sector work. We believe that addressing governance issues is a fundamental aspect of promoting good development and humanitarian assistance. We have expertise in human rights approaches, Indigenous Peoples rights including rights to land and resources, gender equaility and gender responsive activities, decentralization and empowerment of local institutions.
Civil Society. Several decades of experience with institutional assessments and development of NGOs including large global organizations. Nordeco bases its work on the notion that citizens and their organisations are key to sustainable development and community resilience (e.g. towards climate change or natural disasters). This development and resilience is obtained through direct improvements in livelihoods, building a local and larger civil society network, and participation in governance and through upholding of citizens’ rights. People are also central to the management of natural and other resources.
Fragility and Humanitarian Assistance. Experience with planning and review of humanitarian assistance programmes in the Horn of Africa, East Africa and South East Asia. We work with studies and reviews of refugees operations and how protection issues are being addressed including refugee impacts and relationships with host communities. Extensive experience from work in fragile situations and fragile states, with consideration of key fragility factors such as security, conflict, marginalisation, environmental stress and eroded governance structures. Building local resilience to withstand climate, conflict and political induced crisis situations is essential to promote development and to move from humanitarian assistance to development.
Participatory Monitoring. Local community members who on a daily basis observe events in nature are an important source of information. If properly designed and carefully tailored to local issues, participatory monitoring can provide valuable data, cost-effectively and sustainably, while simultaneously building capacity among local constituents and prompting practical and effective management interventions. We work with participatory monitoring in the South, in the Arctic and in Europe. We develop, review and promote citizen science initiatives in Europe and Denmark. With soft-ware developers, we establish and pilot user-friendly IT-based solutions.
Urban Development. Extensive experience with climate resilient urban development in Afra, Asia and Latin America. Development and strengthening of planning, governance and capacities of cities and municipalities. This implies that systems are designed to enable cities to plan, fund and operate investments in essential services and climate resilient and low-carbon infrastructure themselves. For this, there is a need to apply integrated approaches of urban planning and governance to support rapid growing cities and municipalities to become more climate resilient, liveable, and productive. Using green and nature based solutions to make cities more liveable and resilient.